Antonella Marchese: Find Your Story

Find Your Story

Nancy Newton: Transcendence 

    Nancy Newton's Transcendence shows a great depth of space as well as an interesting use of colour and, because of its accessible and flowing style, it allows the audience to connect and draw their own conclusions. Although the painting is abstract, the feeling of the sea and water moving is obvious which means the artist was successful in creating movement in the artwork. The colour scheme seems carefully chosen with the blue throughout the whole image and just a small amount of yellow and reds peaking through which all add to the dimension of the piece.

Nancy uses a very similar technique in all of her art work but I was specifically drawn to this one because it brings me right into the ocean. For me, the ocean is a place that is chaotic as well as calming all at the same time. Every piece of artwork in this exhibition tells a story and allows the audience to connect and create their own narratives.

Once upon a time… 

On this day…

It was a summer's day.....

Today was the day everything changed...

I can remember going to the beach every summer with my family but as the years went by the "beach" summers grew further and further apart, and  I am now left with the memories from many summers ago. We set up our chairs, the toys, the coolers by the water, and I stared out into the distance seeing the calming waves that seemed to transcend everything, I believed anything was possible then.

These "beach" days always started with the longest, loudest, most uncomfortable car rides but we all pushed through, because we knew the fun that was ahead. I can imagine it now: We get to the beach, the family unloads while we kids look for the perfect spot to unpack and settle for the rest of the day.

A tradition that never disappointed was digging four holes big enough for me and my three sisters to get into so our parents could take the annual picture. It always seemed like a trick as, while we were distracted by the waves and were giggling together, we seemed to miss our parents throwing the crusts from our unfinished sandwiches around us. If you have ever been to the beach you know as soon as food comes out so do the seagulls. Before we knew it we are surrounded by the pesky birds and had to begin to dig our way out of the hole we were half buried in. That's the way the game goes: you get trapped and then get free and the first one to the water wins. By the end of the race, we were all in the water splashing around forgetting about every fight we ever had and enjoying our time as a family. 

    As soon as I saw Nancy Newton's Transcendence I was immediately reminded of that moment in the water and it is incredible that she was able to create a piece that brought up my feelings and experiences. All of her pieces invite us to recall our incredible stories and it is up to us as an audience to remember and tell them.

Go Find Your Story!

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